Continuing Educations and Information
for serious New and Veteran Professional Santas
based upon level 1 core curriculum from
Professional Santa Claus School (PSCS) of Denver Colorado.
Founded in 1983
to support great men with great hearts (Real Santas!) in maintaining a great tradition.
Pro Santas using Social Media…PART 1
Texting and IM’s
have replaced picking up the phone to hear the actual voices of people we care about or
want to create a business relationship with… Tweeting, joining “twibes,”
LINKingIn, accepting requests to connect with people across the country who we
may or may not know, becoming a “LION,” attending webinars in our sweats, "checking
in" on FourSquare when we go for coffee or donuts, receiving Constant Contacts-
once in a while (?) and Facebooking from behind our laptops… in solitude, to be “SOCIAL?”
Yup! Most of the time it baffles me too, but
we are all swept away by the wave of technology…
The reality is... Join in or be left behind!
Makes one long for
summer nights on the neighborhood block, chasing fireflies, porch swings and church picnics…
something this younger generation will never understand, just as we don’t always understand their
technology clearly or the new forms of communicating without ever being face to face.
But here we are… “online”…
One of the most
popular outlets for the Santa community has become FACEBOOK. Lots of fun to
share information, jokes, photos, announcements, group events, and even a need
for prayers for ourselves or our loved ones and pets.
So how many Facebook
pages do you have?... (I know, it’s hard enough keeping up with just one!) But…
If you are a Santa, you should have 3… Yes! 3! (I had to dodge a few cabbages
there… whew!) Why 3? Well,…
YOUR "FAN" / SANTA BUSINESS Facebook Page...
- IF you are a PROfessional Santa Claus, (or plan to BEcome one soon,) you have / will have a “business” so your business should have what used to be called a FAN PAGE… dedicated to your Santa Claus business.
- “Santa Ken Visits” (or whatever you pick to be your name) This page is about your Santa business and for your Santa clients.
- With a FAN (business) PAGE, you can’t go out and get “friends” nor can you comment on anyone else’s pages when in the FAN PAGE mode. Think of your "fan"/business page as a mini, ever evolving website on FB for your clients.
- You'll want to keep your post interesting and pure to attract attention of potential clients looking for a Santa.
- Build your following ('fans" / potential clients). Start with friends and family and their friends and family and your recent clients). They have to “LIKE” your page to stay abreast of what you are offering via your Santa business. Keep it active throughout the year... Santa and Mrs. Claus are on vacation in Hawaii, (or wherever) and post your SANTA vacation pics... Rudolph's nephew Randolph and his wife Sparkle just had an addition to their reindeer family... post the pic.
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Rudolph's Great Nephew. Bounder! |
- This is NOT the place for having other Santas involved or as "fans" as YOU are the REAL, and ONLY Santa, right? Dodge wouldn't necessarily want to have Chevy and Ford as "friends" on their website would they? What if a vehicle buyer sees a great pic of another brand vehicle and clicks on it... Dodge may lose a sale. Mrs. Fields doesn't promote Keebler cookies! Tide doesn't promote Cheer! It's nothing personal, honestly! Just good business.
- BUT... You may want to connect with some other great Santas in your service area and agree to post their photos and bios as "back-up" Santas to whom you refer your business, if you are overbooked on certain dates. Perhaps they can reciprocate the favor.
- Viewers DO look at who you are associated with. So go out on FB and "LIKE" some quality pages... Nourish the Children, Special Olympics, March of Dimes, reputable businesses in your service area, The Navy/Army/Marines, and such.
- Your "Fan/Business" page should be “child-friendly,” speaking not only to your adult booking clients, but IF their children, should they wander by or happen to see your page... you'll want to always remain in Santa character, as well as demonstrate what a great Santa Claus you really are! Include things on your page that show you are active and interesting for the little ones!
- AND You can post photos of you/ SANTA, at your events, outline your services, show pics of your Mrs. Claus or Elf helpers, post info about what’s going on at the North Pole, etc.
- Perhaps post your schedule for the season, available dates, promote upcoming public events where you’ll appear, have testimonials from clients for other or new clients to read, and chat about charities you support as Santa Claus.
- Keep it clean, family-oriented, professional and fun.
- This is a "business" Facebook PAGE about your business. And YES, it is FREE!
- You can buy FB ads, but they go out to the entire universe so it is very hard to target market your demographics or coverage area.
- Best to promote your Santa business FB page by word of mouth or via your website and business cards/flyers.
- It is NOT about how many "Fans" you have... It is the caliber of the fans you have that make you great and get you referrals. Build your Santa business on solid principles and quality service. Fast is not always best! If you have 1300 fans, but no one is making reservations, why not focus on 50 solid clients who simply love and follow your page loyally?
- Be certain your branding is consistent across ALL of your marketing tools. Think long and hard about this, work with various options and get input and feedback from trusted sources before you go to press or print.
- Here is the Facebook "Help" on How to...
Using these same suggestions for an ethical presentation with your Linked In, Twitter and other accounts would be considered prudent and professional.
WATCH for PART 2 (of 3 Parts) on this topic...
Your Santa Facebook "Friend" Page... coming soon!
Leave us your comments, ideas, suggestions and tips
on how YOU use social media outlets as Santa Claus...
on how YOU use social media outlets as Santa Claus...
See you at the Santa School Conference this fall!
Susen Mesco
Master Santa Claus Trainer since 1983!
Master Santa Claus Trainer since 1983!
31st Professional
Santa Claus School Denver, CO
August 30 –
September 3, 2013
How ho ho! You are the best! Great information.
ReplyDeletetienen algún santa en español que dicte un curso flash de 3 o 4 días aquí en Venezuela? Me podrian enviar el precio? y si dan algún tipo de certificado